5 October 2022
In the last three months, contracts have been signed for the rent of over 6,200 sqm. in retail parks provided by Scallier in Romania

Pepco, KiK, Sportisimo, Penti, Elmark and Super Zoo are tenants who have signed contracts for the largest areas. In total, since the beginning of May this year, 11 new lease agreements have been signed in retail parks located in Timisoara, Vaslui, Turda and Mosnita. The Timisoara retail park was opened in May this year. In […]

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1 October 2022
Timisoara, retail park

Number of sqm. (GLA): 11 000 Main tenants: Noriel, Pepco, KiK, Flanco, Agroland, Sportisimo, Numero Uno, C&A, TEDi, Takko, Mesopotamia, Maxi Pet

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